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Banish Debt Spell

When money luck is stuck and debts are mounting up, light a purple candle and some incense. Sit down and write a list of sums you owe with a black pen on some parchment paper. Gaze at the candle flame...

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Mirror Magick

Here is a strange little thing that maybe goes under the title of seeing within. Take a small round mirror and dip it into water, streams are best but a bath will do. As soon as wet pull it out and...

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Wishing Spell

Take five stones and place them in the corners of a pentacle, then recite the spell. "Stones of dark stones of light May they be as light of day or as dark as night. You may do my bidding the 5 of you...

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A large bowl A wooden spoon A sifter or colander As many of the following herbs as you can find: Cinnamon, basil, clover, ginger, marjoram, tea, catnip, jasmine, ginseng, lavender, pine, sage, cloves....

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Purchase a new bottle of vanilla extract. Remove the cap and visualize a red light flowing from your Third Eye and coloring the liquid in the bottle. As the light flows into the bottle, chant "Where I...

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Wishing Spells Collection

MIRROR MAGICK Take a small mirror and lay it down, so it reflects up at you. Then take a bowl of water (preferably a glass or silver bowl, but any bowl will do. HINT: If using a ceramic bowl, plain is...

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To Draw Money to you

Do in waxing moon, on a Thursady if possible This spell is to give luck in moderation - that is, to make everything that happens to you be for the better in the end. Scent: cinnamon Burn green candle....

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The Charge of Jupiter (Return Borrowed Money Spell)

In request for a spell for the return of money owed one: You will need: * Green candle * Picture of person who owes money, to use if needed for visualization The Projective Hand is the hand that is...

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A Job Spell

This is best begun on the night of the new moon. You Will Need: astral candle for yourself, your colour. brown candle for the job itself green candle for prosperity The Spell: Burn prosperity incense...

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Cats and Money

Cats and Money Cats can be harbingers of coming prosperity and good fortune. A cat of three colors is extremely lucky and will keep a house from harm, while a smutty-nosed cat will bring wealth to its...

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Success Spell

You will need: a green candle a purple candle a talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, cross, star of david, etc) Place a green candle on one side of a room. Place a purple candle on the other...

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To get a break in show business

Find an old piece of amber with a fly in it (you can find such things at antique shops) and wear it to auditions. Chant over the amber first: "Fame come to me, change my luck for me." Imagine yourself...

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Green-and-Gold Money Spell

Prepare: A square piece of green cloth (about 6 by 6 inches, preferrably silk, cotton, or polyester). Green glitter and gold sequins A 7 inch long string of green yarn Three shiny and somewhat new...

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High John Money Spell

High John the Conquerer was a black slave who is revered by many spell-casters for his sharp wit and good luck which enabled him to get the better of his "masters." High John the Conquerer Root is...

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Earthly Desires Spell

Ingredients: Parchment Paper Quill Pen Dove's Blood Ink A handful of coins (either silver or gold in colour) Think about some of the material possessions you would like to have (ie. that cute dress...

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Bottle of Luck

This ritual is excellent to attract luck towards you. What you'll need: -7 green candles -patchouli incense -1 green glass bottle or pot -symbols of luck (for example: an old lottery ticket, a...

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SUCCESS SPELL You will need: A green candle A purple candle A talisman with your religious symbol (pentacle, cross, star of David, etc) Place a green candle on one side of a room. Place a purple...

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more success and employment spells

TO GET A BREAK IN SHOW BUSINESS Find an old piece of amber with a fly in it (you can find such things at antique shops) and wear it to auditions. Chant over the amber first: "Fame come to me, change...

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more and more success and employment spells

EMPLOYMENT SPELL Materials: --1 green candle 1 orange candle 1 yellow or gold candle --some ground or whole cloves 1 small tigers eye stone On your altar set up the three candles in a circle, with the...

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Romanian Money spell

Chat the first line five times, then say the verse once, and leave it up to the Universe."Trinka-five." "Money, money come to me, let thy magic work for me. I only ask for what I need, I do not ask...

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